Distribución Autorizada - Pro Audio de Alto Perfil

Chord Mojo 2 - Amplificador High-End para Audífonos

$795 Dólares


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Chord Mojo 2 - Amplificador High-End para Audífonos

$795 Dólares


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  • Descripción del Producto

      El Chord Mojo 2 es sin lugar a duda, el amplificador para audífonos portátil, más avanzado del mundo. No solo toma tecnologías de sus galardonados hermanos mayores (Hugo, Qutest, Dave), si no que incluye revolucionarias tecnologías, nunca antes vistas en un amplificador portatil. 

      Audio Gate buscó una marca que pudiera satisfacer les necesidades de potencia e impedancia de audífonos como los Audeze, Focal, Sennheiser y otras marcas de diafragma grande. En nuestras pruebas internas los productos de Chord superaron considerablemente, cualquier otra marca de audídomos que ofrecíamos. El sonido de Mojo 2 es altamente transparente, plano, tridimensional y natural. 

      Estamos muy orgullosos de darle la bienvenida a esta venerable empresa. 


      Texto original de la página del fabricante:

      The British designed and built Mojo 2 is the most advanced portable DAC and headphone amplifier in the world today.

      Entirely engineered around a powerful, custom-coded FPGA processor, Mojo 2 benefits from several unique technologies.

      Central to the new Mojo 2 is the world’s first lossless DSP, an advanced ‘digital tone control’ without any degradation in sound quality. The ‘UHD DSP’ gives Mojo 2 unrivalled compatibility with today’s wide-ranging headphones, plus unparalleled flexibility with partnering equipment.

      A further key feature is the new menu system, navigated via the new (fourth) control sphere, bringing mute, crossfeed, button-lock and tone control adjustment.

      Mojo 2 offers greatly improved battery management, with faster charging rates, a huge 75 % reduction in power loss, plus a 9 % capacity gain.

      A new USB-C data input adds greater flexibility, transparency has been greatly boosted, thanks to an improved noise-shaper, lower distortion and greater neutrality, plus Mojo 2 can even be taken wireless with the Poly streamer/server.

      Handmade in the UK with a robust CNC-milled aircraft grade aluminium chassis, Mojo 2 offers unrivalled performance, class-leading sound and peerless build quality.

      • Five digital inputs: coaxial, dual-data coax, optical, Micro-USB and USB-C
      • Dynamic range 125 dB A wt.
      • Noise 2.7 uV A wt., no measurable noise floor modulation
      • Distortion and noise 0.0003 % at 2.5 V 300 ohms
      • Power output 1 % distortion:
      • 90 mW 300 ohms (5.2 V RMS)
      • 600 mW 30 ohms (4.2 V RMS)
      • 0.06 ohms output impedance
      • 118 dB stereo separation 1 kHz 300 ohms 2.5 V
      • Dimensions: 83 mm (3.26 in.) x 62 mm (2.44 in.) x 22.90 mm (0.90 in)
      • weight: 185 g (0.4 lbs)

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